Ready to learn how permanent jewelry artists earn up to $350 per hour?*

I've researched hundreds of work from home jobs to find the ones that actually pay real money. Join me as I uncover the truths about starting a permanent jewelry business!

Do not let your fear of the unknown stop you from living your dream. Sign up to get my FREE 6-day permanent jewelry email course and learn how to earn $10,000+ per month!*

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    Trinty Owen

    LINKED Permanent Jewelry Artist & founder of a local permanent jewelry company

    Who am I?

    If you've ever wondered, "Can I really generate income from home?" then let me assure you with my personal experience - it is indeed possible.

    During my college years, the thought of spending my life confined to a cubicle was far from appealing. After earning my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, I initiated my first freelance service. Within three years, I had expanded it to a level where it provided a full-time income.

    As of now, I am making a substantial six-figure income by exploring and evaluating new side hustle and home business opportunities.* This journey includes extensive research, training, and even the launch of my own local permanent jewelry business.

    What will you learn?

    • Exactly what permanent jewelry artists do and what their schedules look like.
    • An inside peek into the thrilling life of a jewelry welder who earns six-figures as a stay-at-home mom.*
    • How much money permanent jewelry artists can earn based on the number of events and clients they choose to service.*
    • Real-life stories and tips from women who are changing their financial lives with permanent jewelry.*
    • Where to source the best tools and chains to offer to your customers at the best prices.
    • ...and much more!

    *All the testimonials included on our websites are real-world examples and stories of either our own or other people’s experiences. But they are not intended to serve as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results.

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